Wednesday, September 1, 2010

End of Summer Bash

One of our super cool pastors made this video of pictures from a party at our house...

I just love it when God knits people together in amazing ways!! 
This past weekend we were honored to host Jeff's "Men's Group" and their awesome wives and bevy of kids. They are a group of men, of all ages and backgrounds who get together weekly at 
6:30 in the am (schweeew) 
to read and discuss the Bible and pray for each other. They started this about 3 years ago. Honestly at first I thought, no w-a-y, dear husband, I need you in the mornings, three children plus school prep plus the inevitable occasional, pre-coffee meltdowns (mine and theirs). I am so overjoyed he decided to forge ahead. I am humbled and delighted by their fellowship. I know how much we women need our girl time but think men are often overlooked in that arena. If you are married I would strongly encourage you to help your beloved find a small group that he can meet with regularly to worship God and support one another. Let me know how it goes ;)

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