Friday, November 19, 2010

Marriage Conference tidbits

Trying to get back into the swing of things after a fabulous 5 days away with my honey!  I swear our laundry is touching the ceiling, the kids are in post-grandparent detox/boot camp, and the floors are coated in some funky sugary stickiness to that resembles a wax shine until you have to pry your socks off it.  

But it was all worth it to spend time away with my darling better half...
and of course having unlimited Starbucks at our fingertips, not a big deal until you live more than an hour from the nearest one, thinking I may need to open one on the farm..                                                       everyone should own a pair of cowgirl boots, makes you stand taller and feel stronger, better equipped to take on the day

Jeff's Michael Jordan jump
having me some pure joy
Working on one of the harder parts of the adoption journey 

And two books we found at the conference that I would recommend you go buy,  like right now

Blessings to you for a wonderful the way, to quote one of my favorite bloggers  "Oh, sweet invisible friends, let's make this a conversation. Comments are one of my love languages."  My blogger thingy tells me that over 30 people have been reading my little old blog a day, show a girl some love :), leave a comment..

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