Sunday, October 16, 2011


You know those moments when someone can lift you up with a smile, a hug, a word of encouragement, just out of the blue?
It can leave you somewhat agape, wondering how you are deserving of such kindness, and how someone could have known you needed it just then?
Well, She did just that, by golly, even amidst an incredibly full week of her own.
She is some sort of superhero, spreading grace and encouragement like fairy dust.
I am not trying to toot my own horn here, although it did feel pretty good to see what my clutter filled rooms can look like when all the pumpkin soup splattered walls are hidden just out of view.
Sometimes this road to adoption can be somewhat bumpy, but this week, it was bliss.  Bliss because I witnessed how our Heavenly Father is continuing to unite us with others on this beautiful journey.
Thank you sweet friend for generously using your gift of encouragement.


  1. YOU too are an encouragement!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful home and heart!! (and thanks for sharing the book Dogwood- looking forward to reading it!)
    Many Blessings!

  2. Polly! I just clicked over and read that was so sweet. Your home is beautiful. You know one of the reasons that you are so are genuine and down to earth!

    BTW-Adoption is amazing, and scary, and so very wonderful. May your hands and heart be filled with your new family member soon!!!

  3. What I find so amazing is that I (somewhat selfishly) invite myself to your house to find encouragement for my own journey and Jesus multiplies the loaves the fishes and we both end up full to the brim. You are a gift Ms. Polly, from a loving Savior to so many.
    love you,


Your kind words are such an encouragement, thanks for stopping by